Procurement Magazine February 2024 | Page 65

P2P STRATEGIES taking away potential resentment that stakeholders often feel towards procurement .”
While technology certainly has its place in delivering a successful P2P strategy , “ procurement teams do struggle with transformation , and maturity more broadly . The influence of procurement leaders varies a lot so the need to approach transformation at a controlled pace is an imperative ,” says Reddy .
“ In a recent survey 37 % of companies taking part stated that they ’ ve got semiautomated and manual data processes ,” adds Harmeston . So from my point of view this is a business issue with a valid case for change . P2P technology can help to accurately load and interpret data in a cost-effective manner and provide the business with good real-time management information . Procurement can then demonstrate the benefits an integrated system can bring , from faster decision making to proactive risk management and showcasing what suppliers can bring to the business . Advanced procurement systems can be highly effective but only if they are hard wired into the business as usual culture “ says Harmeston .”
“ For me , the old adage of “ build it and they will come “ applies . If you have simple , effective systems and practices in place then people will engage with procurement organically – but ultimately the most successful strategy is one that is supported and endorsed by the board encouraging the business to work in lockstep with you . The systems are only as good as the application and integration of them into the business through the human connection ” Harmeston concludes . procurementmag . com 65