“ When I joined it was very process driven , focusing very much on delivering a contract , and moving on to the next contract ,” he says . “ There wasn ’ t that much thought given to why the processes were the way they were .”
Now , though , he says LGP is a much more strategic and agile organisation .
“ People think deeply about whether contracts should be awarded , plus we not only have an understanding of what customers are actually buying but also the real needs of customers . We are able to say if a contract is really serving them .”
A big change in those three short years is also that ESG priorities have changed for local government .
“ ESG and sustainability has increased hugely in importance in the local government sector ,” says Madan .
Sustainability becoming local government focus This , he says , is because local government is the closest tier of government to the community , and people have been asking for more sustainable outcomes .
“ Because of this , councils and the whole sector have become more and more focused on sustainable outcomes ,” explains Madan . “ For example , many councils are rolling out food and organic waste bins .”
96 February 2024