Green Worldwide Shipping prioritises sustainability in its operations under Anne ’ s leadership . She manages initiatives that embed eco-conscious practices within the company . The effort includes overseeing the Green Action Team , a group with representatives from every branch promoting recycling and energy conservation practices . Although events like Earth Day celebrations foster awareness , the team supports branches in making sustainability-conscious decisions a reality daily .
Anne ’ s work ensures that the company ’ s offerings are both practical and transparent . Through tools like Green Check and partnerships , Green Worldwide Shipping helps customers visualise and reduce transport emissions , aligning logistics operations with global sustainability goals .
Commitment to transparency Transparency is central to Green Worldwide Shipping ’ s sustainability strategy , which strongly focuses on Scope 3 emissions , particularly upstream transportation .
“ We are freight forwarders first and foremost , which means that our laser focus is on Scope 3 , Category 4 , upstream transportation ,” Anne explains .
Emissions calculations for each shipment adhere to ISO 14083 standards and the Global Logistics Emissions Council ( GLEC ) framework . The metrics are shared openly with customers , appearing on invoices and through quarterly reports .
“ We publish these emissions calculations on every customer invoice to increase the shipment visibility ,” Anne notes .
Additionally , partnerships with organisations like the UPLIFT Agency expand customer support .
“ The partnership extends support beyond upstream transportation ,” Anne continues , offering broader insights into managing supply chain sustainability .
Green Check : A tool for actionable insights The proprietary Green Check tool enables customers to visualise emissions geographically .
“ Our Green Check tool is a proprietary platform that lets customers visualise their transport emissions geographically ,” Anne says .
By mapping high-impact routes , the tool identifies areas for improvement and supports customers in designing more efficient shipping schedules .
Green Check offers tailored solutions for customers exploring new trade lanes .
“ We analyse all routes and , where possible , find alternate , more efficient ones ,” Anne goes on .
Overall , the platform balances environmental , logistical and financial considerations .
Industry leadership through SmartWay As a certified EPA SmartWay Transport Partner , Green Worldwide Shipping is committed to reducing freight emissions .
“ We engage with our current truckers and new partners to encourage them to
68 January 2025