Procurement Magazine July 2022 | Page 73


“ I am not a big fan of technology for the sake of technology ”

“ Ultimately there are significant technology enablers that I ' m bringing into our organisation and really that ' s all about creating the time , the headspace for people to be able to be more effective in their roles and to be able to drive a different value proposition .
“ Despite the access to these significant enablers , I still seem to often hear the same dull conversation of where should we be sat in the organisation . As a function , we can be a bit self-indulgent if I ’ m honest . We like to tell everybody else in the profession how well we ' re all doing but we still come on to some of those same boring conversations which , if we ' re still having them , then clearly we haven ' t evolved as much as we should have done .”
Total Transformation When it comes to the challenge at Santander , Jenkinson says the banking giant is going through a major transformation programme . His own impatience means he admits they are trying to drive change from multiple angles and that is one of the reasons why he was attracted to this latest passion project .
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