EDITORS LETTER A new , more resilient normal ?
As we make our way to a “ new normal ” will we remodel more resilient , innovative , and sustainable supply chains or will old habits die hard ?
As we make our way to a “ new normal ” I can ’ t help but wonder how quickly the need for resilience might be forgotten ?
I like to think that my time on this earth has taught me a thing or two . Perhaps not as much as it should have , yet somehow more than I expected . My time spent in procurement , however , has taught me this : People have short memories , and the dollars always count . As we make our way to a “ new normal ” I can ’ t help but wonder how quickly the need for resilience might be forgotten ? How far will we get on improvements before the next new buzzword makes its way onto our bosses lips or , worse , old bad habits start to reform ?
Bringing some hope that the global pandemic truly was the impetus we needed , ARPR found that 75 % of CIOs and CTOs said IT and innovation are now viewed as more important to their companies ’ futures , and 63 % said their IT budgets have increased slightly or significantly due to COVID-19 .
May we be lofty in our goals but pragmatic in our ways . And may we remember the important lessons that came at a very high cost . Lest you worry , I ’ ll be here to remind you .
LAURA V . GARCIA laura . garcia @ bizclikmedia . com © 2021 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED procurementmag . com 3