Ahlsell CPO , Karolina Chinell , reveals its digitalisation journey at IvaluaNow EMEA , emphasising supplier engagement , master data and procurement rethinking
Things fall apart – that ’ s the law of entropy ; it ’ s woven into the very fabric that makes everything up . In 1958 , Chinua Achebe entitled his debut novel , now a classic , with the phrase .
It ’ s always been a serendipitous paradox that , as physics slouches towards disorder , it simultaneously throws up systems that organise in the most sophisticated ways , and procurement and supply chains are a striking example of these optimising processes .
Think of it , the world falls into disarray through pandemic , war – unwanted and unforeseeable vicissitudes – and procurement and supply chains rearrange their operations like mycelium reconfiguring their roots around collapsing structures , and somehow , they find a way .
It ’ s late March , and to get at this ‘ somehow ’, I ’ m at IvaluaNow EMEA in Paris , where procurement and supply chain leaders from across the region have gathered to understand how to digitally transform their organisations in such tumultuous times .
As the brightly fuschia-lit stage booms its bass at the attendees , Karolina Hagberg Chinell , CPO of Ahlsell , steps out and announces that she ’ s going to share Ahlsell ’ s transformation journey with the audience . She establishes that a key element of it revolves around how they engage closely
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