Procurement Magazine June 2023 | Page 43


“ You need to be able to swap between the logical left side and the more creative right side of your brain to really solve problems ”

with their suppliers – one of their core stakeholders alongside their customers and employees – and how they have used digitalisation to do so . But this is just a small piece of the puzzle .
Ahlsell is , as Chinell reveals , strongly committed to building a more sustainable
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society : “ That is our mission and also our reason to be .”
In terms of the company itself , they are the leading distributor of technical installation products , tools , and supplies to industry , installers , energy companies , and the public sector throughout the Nordics . These are all important branches of society , as well as of business .
Ahlsell has a turnover of approximately 50bn SEC ( which is equivalent to about € 5.5bn ), and approximately 7,500 employees and 300 branches throughout the Nordics – “ and we ’ re also present with an omnichannel approach to business-to-business , businessto-consumer , and do-it-yourself ,” she says .
Just a few more figures : Ahlsell offers more than 1.5mn SKUs to their 250,000 + customers , coming from more than 10,000 suppliers . 30 % of all their orders are placed on the web , and so it ’ s a strongly digital company . procurementmag . com 43