“ The partnership is a three-legged stool : our customer , our suppliers and our internal stakeholders that includes business units , Quality and Regulatory , among others .”
This work is further strengthened through strategic collaboration and public-private partnerships with government agencies , including the FDA , HHS , POTUS / White House – and industry collaboratives like Advamed – to address supply chain and sourcing issues that plague the broader healthcare industry .
Being able to incorporate those areas into BD ’ s strategy has allowed what Nelson sees as a resilient end-to-end supply chain .
The momentum of BD ’ s procurement supply chain team has been exciting for Nelson and his team .
“ We ’ ve experienced very little turnover in our function , and I think a big reason for that is that people see the movement we are driving and understand we have become extremely vital to BD , our customers and the patients they serve . We are on the frontlines ; we are helping shape strategy as we go forward here .”
Nelson views this as an entirely different kind of mindset and even acumen , from a team perspective .
“ I think it ’ s been refreshing for the team to pivot away from historical firefighting or cost-reduction to facing the bigger opportunity we ’ re trying to address .”
“ We have more engineers on the team now doing more ,” says Nelson . “ Our engineers look at an existing product line and see what we can do to redesign elements that can meet the needs of our customer and patients , reduce our overall risk exposure and benefit BD as well .”
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