Message from ResMed CEO Mick Farrell : # ResMedStrong
“ Challenges to implementing a data-driven procurement strategy can come from people , processes , or from technology ,” she says . “ From a peopleand-processes perspective , it manifests as resistance to change , with people being stuck in their ways of thinking and doing things .”
Examples of this may include people not following established processes or finding ways to bypass them ; an unwillingness to apply new processes ; or the application of old mindsets to new ways of working . “ Some negative results of these approaches can be teams pulling data from differing sources , inconsistent data , or impaired data visibility altogether ,” she says .
" From a technology perspective , there may be divergent , unintegrated solutions being utilised that are creating data silos . It ’ s important for organisations to keep processes simple and easy to follow , documented , and easily accessible – and to always do these things with the best interests of the end-user in mind .”
Aidoo-Sam points out that , when choosing new procurement technologies , organisations need to ensure that
74 June 2023