Procurement Magazine June 2023 | Page 81

Ian Thompson , VP of Northern Europe at Ivalua explains why the way we see our relationships , affects outcomes . All through the lens of Source-to-Pay


caught up with Ian Thompson , Ivalua ’ s VP for Northern Europe at IvaluaNow in Paris to talk about Source-to-Pay ( S2P ), ‘ supplier ’ relationships , and Ivalua ’ s projects concerning sustainability and beyond – and you ’ ll understand why the term supplier is contained within quotation marks as you read on .
Thompson has worked his entire career in procurement and supply chain technologies , and has been involved in supply chain integration , major projects and evaluations – always involved in the process of buying and supplying .
“ I didn ' t sit on my father ' s knee and say , ‘ I want to be in procurement technology ’,” he says .
“ It was a job that I got after college , but now , it ' s 22 years later , and here I am . I ' ve been involved in project work andon the commercial side , and I ’ m now in a management and leadership role .”
Thompson says that what he does , is all about trying to create a team that believes in what they are doing , as well as believes in themselves – wanting to engender that through an inclusive and positive atmosphere .


The development of S2P & future supply chain disruptions The disruptions that came about following COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine proved to be both a major challenge and offered major opportunities . When asked about S2P in relation to future disruptions in the supply
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