FOREWORD Procurement Professionals Going the Extra Mile
How smart strategy and intelligent investment in relationships can find hidden benefits for procurement
“ It is about delivering smart programmes to find improvements across procurement networks and supply chains ”
In our June issue , we ' re fully embracing the timeless adage that the top performers in any industry often bring something extra to the table .
Throughout my discussions with procurement executives and technology providers worldwide , I ' ve consistently been impressed by the creativity and innovative strategies they employ to elevate their organisations ' performance levels .
Going the ' extra mile ' doesn ' t necessarily mean sacrificing personal time ; rather , it involves implementing intelligent programmes to enhance procurement networks and supply chains .
This month , we delve into some of these strategies . JPMorgan Chase ' s Global Supplier Diversity Programme , celebrating its 30th anniversary , showcases the development of deep supplier relationships and support for underrepresented businesses .
Additionally , we highlight Diageo ' s investment in sustainable procurement training with IEMA , illustrating the tangible benefits already realised by the company .
We also explore the importance of supplier relationship management , uncovering the hidden value within quality partnerships and their contribution to enhanced procurement performance .
Enjoy this issue , and remember to keep pushing that extra mile .
AARON MCMILLAN aaron . mcmillan @ bizclikmedia . com © 2024 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED procurementmag . com 5