Procurement Magazine June 2024 | Page 92


“Supply chains are exposed to a myriad of risks , from physical disruptions and data breaches to reputational associations ”

BRAD HIBBERT CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER & CHIEF STRATEGY OFFICER PREVALENT of their supplier agreements , ultimately leading to cost savings and reduced risk .”
GEP offers GEP SMART , a tool aimed at reducing complexity by providing customers with useful , actionable insights into supplier performance that yield better outcomes and drive real savings .
Scott adds : “ We really help our clients to be crystal clear of the value they ’ re looking for from third-party suppliers – be it metrics , cost , security , alignment with governmental regulations – so suppliers know exactly what they ’ re to be measured against .
“ It ’ s crucial to target an SRM programme around those suppliers with whom the organisation partners to drive value or the ones most critical to the
92 June 2024