“ We have been able to transform how we oversee our supply chain , interact with our key suppliers , and ensure we get optimal value for money , by carefully selecting our partners ”
ALLPOINTS FIBRE and always remembering that without suppliers and partners , APFN cannot deliver . Once again , he returns to the lifeblood of procurement : the relationships between the company and supplier , and how that ultimately benefits customers .
“ APFN ’ s procurement team is all about embracing partnerships .”
Captured in Farrell ’ s three-year procurement strategy at APFN , which delineates crucial areas for growth , change , investment , and process re-engineering , lies a particularly intriguing component . That being , how he plans to “ tap into ” the research and development capabilities of supply chain partners to bolster APFN ’ s competitive edge .
By harnessing both cutting-edge technologies and innovative ideas from around the world , Farrell aims to catalyse transformation , mitigate environmental impacts , enhance sustainability , and foster innovation within the organisation . procurementmag . com 47