Procurement Magazine March 2024 | Page 72

UK Modern Slavery Act The UK Modern Slavery Act requires companies with a global turnover of £ 36 million or more to publish an annual statement outlining their efforts to prevent slavery and human trafficking in their supply chains . Although no criminal sanctions exist for non-compliance , the Secretary of State can file injunctions to compel companies to comply with the Act .
EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence ( CSDD ) The European Commission ’ s proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive ( CSDDD ) is an important step towards ensuring responsible corporate behaviour , as it requires companies to integrate human rights and environmental considerations into their operations and governance .
French Vigilance Law The French Corporate Duty of Vigilance Law holds large companies accountable for identifying and preventing human rights and environmental risks stemming from their operations , suppliers , and subsidiaries .
Dutch Due Diligence Act The Dutch Child Labour Due Diligence Act aims to hold companies accountable for unethical supply chain practices , even if registered outside the Netherlands . This law requires companies to investigate any possible involvement of child labour and issue due diligence statements that outline their action plans should any suspicions arise .
German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act imposes stringent regulations on companies operating in Germany with over 3,000 employees ( dropping to 1,000 in 2024 ). This law mandates that businesses assess , monitor and mitigate risks associated with human rights and environmental violations within their supply chains .
The Uyghur Forced Labor Act ( UFLPA ) The UFLPA came into effect on June 21 , 2022 . According to the law , the United States Customs and Border Protection ( CBP ) requires companies to conduct due diligence and certify that their goods have not been produced with any form of forced labour or human rights abuses . Businesses must demonstrate that they have tight procedures and protocols in place for monitoring supply chains , including checks and auditing
Kathleen Harmeston FCIPS , Supply Chain & Procurement Specialist
72 March 2024