FOREWORD The Only Constant in Procurement is Change
“ It is consistently astonishing to take stock and appreciate the level of change in the industry ”
The demands on procurement professionals are constantly evolving and growing , so how best stay ahead of the curve ? For any procurement professional with even a few years of experience , it is consistently astonishing to take stock and appreciate the level of change in the industry in just a few short years .
This issue is dedicated to exploring that change , from the rise of AI , the future of e-procurement software , managing risk and tackling the challenges of nearshoring .
In the many conversations our team has with procurement professionals , it is always evident how resilient they are and how adept they are to coping with that change .
One highlight of the issue is our roundtable of experts discussing the challenges of nearshoring strategies , and how to use technology to solve them .
Also take some time to read our investigation into the future of e-procurement software .
Enjoy the issue
NEIL PERRY neil . perry @ bizclikmedia . com © 2024 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED procurementmag . com 5