Procurement Magazine November 2023 | Page 28


“ Helping provide a Covid vaccine in eight months filled me with a huge sense of pride ”

develop , test and have ratified . But for its COVID vaccine , AstraZeneca was working to hyper-accelerated timeframes , with procurement and supply chain operations having to keep pace . “ Providing a solution in eight months – something that normally would take around five years – and doing it within budget to meet a pressing global need , filled me with a huge sense of pride ,” he says .
Lessons from a varied procurement career After AstraZeneca , Dickson moved onto the next phase of his career , launching his own procurement consultancy service . In his role as an advisor , he is able to draw upon deep experience gained from a varied career across pharmaceuticals , aerospace , oil and gas , and the public sector .
Having an advisory role has given Dickson pause for thought , and enabled him to see essential truths about the profession about which he is so passionate .
“ Listening must always be the most important part of being a procurement professional ,” he says . “ Listen to your colleagues within the function , but more importantly , listen to your business stakeholders .”
Dickson also understands that in any walk of business life , there are no short-cuts to understanding the needs
28 November 2023