Perhaps one day we really may achieve Jeff
Bezos ’ notion of moving all heavy industry and its resulting pollution off of earth and into space .
Code red for humanity means code red for procurement
Perhaps one day we really may achieve Jeff
Bezos ’ notion of moving all heavy industry and its resulting pollution off of earth and into space .
Perhaps one day we really may achieve Jeff Bezos ’ notion of moving all heavy industry and its resulting pollution off of earth and into space .
Until then , it ’ s hard to argue that Procurement plays an important role in lowering carbon footprints and designing sustainable supply chain models . And as the brilliant hombre araña once said , with great power comes great responsibility .
However , Procurement can ’ t go it alone . As the UN climate change report sounds ' code red for humanity ,' the time to put the world first has long since past . May we dare to aspire to more than subletting the impacts of our greed onto neighbouring planets and rather , learn to do more with less .
And may we unite in our efforts , offer and ask for help where it is needed , because the world ’ s problems are bigger than any one company , and are sure as heck bigger than Procurement — however digitised .
LAURA V . GARCIA laura . garcia @ bizclikmedia . com © 2021 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED procurementmag . com 5