Procurement Magazine September 2022 | Page 33

sourcing award scenarios and select the optimum scenario for negotiation . We even have our own artificial intelligenceenabled virtual assistant , GeSSiCa , who scans our entire procurement ecosystem searching for bundling opportunities . “ We have further developed our artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities to assist in eAuctions , providing data-driven vendor evaluations that allow our category managers to optimise the potential tender outcome .” Along its transformation journey , MTN has had agility in mind . “ We have organised ourselves in the transformation journey to be agile , moving away from the typical category structure that is mimicked in the procurement function . Instead , our procurement operations are very much aligned with the MTN Group Ambition 2025 business strategy . We are catering for the same change across the company in order to be future fit .”
Incorporating ESG into procurement transformation
With ESG core to its business strategy , MTN is not only supporting ESG initiatives in the form of its net-zero roadmap for 2040 and its innovations to reduce emissions across Scope 1 to Scope 3 , but the group is also introducing elements of a circular economy into its operations . “ With this approach , we are much more
MTN Group has an extensive range of partners across its ecosystem . “ This not only includes our external suppliers , but our innovation partners , startup partners , local SMEs , and crossborder suppliers ,” explains Karl .
“ We also work with academic institutions to support data science and machine-learning capabilities for procurement to enhance this kind of expertise across Africa . As part of our ecosystem , we often work collaboratively , forming joint alliances with others both to further the procurement and supply chain functions and to sell our services .”
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