Procurement Magazine September 2022 | Page 55

Visionet Systems – Enabling Businesses to Navigate the Future of Supply Chain

Visionet Systems ’ CEO Arshad Masood highlights the growth of its PartnerLinQ platform which is empowering industries to achieve supply chain resiliency Most CEOs who saw 100 % growth during COVID would be eager to proclaim their recent successes and focus on the changing digital dynamics . But it ’ s telling that Arshad Masood , founder and CEO of Visionet Systems , initially takes me back to 1995 and ‘ Y2K ’ era to explain how , from the outset , he was focused on differentiating the company by focusing on multitask automation . It ’ s fair to say his vision has paid off . From a $ 1mn investment , Visionet Systems has grown into a $ 250mn annual turnover business , operating with 8,000 brilliant minds worldwide , with a diverse range of products , solutions , and services .“ You have to focus on the value to the customer , and go and solve their problems in an innovative way – and that ’ s where the longevity of the business comes ,” he said . The company ’ s 25 + years of experience provided solid foundations at a time of great uncertainty amid the COVID chaos . Today , under a catchy alliterative slogan –‘ Digital Defined , Digital Delivered ’ – Visionet ’ s customers are as broad as they ’ re long ,
encompassing F & B and logistics to healthcare and fashion . Key to its recent success has been its supply chain vertical cloud application , PartnerLinQ , which is a hybrid integrated platform for supply chain connectivity with all analytics , tracking and visibility built in . It ’ s designed to handle very rapid on-boarding . “ That ’ s why we have grown 100 % in the last two years , it ’ s such a versatile tool , and selling itself ,” he said . “ We can place PartnerLinQ in the middle of company ’ s ERP and e-commerce systems , and connect with other vendors , in a matter of weeks .” Arshad Masood is proud to have built a company which is employeeowned and futuregeared .“ Our number one purpose is to serve our employees – and you can ’ t do that unless you serve your customers , so both are equally important .”