Jenkinson was in direct materials and says services and indirect materials were seen very much as the poor relation . It is only since he moved into the world of services procurement where Jenkinson says he recognised a difference as the function and use of technology has evolved .
“ I ' m not going to say it ' s more complex as there are just different types of complexity in indirect and direct , and because I ' ve been able to move across different industries , I ' ve been able to see what different industries do well and also , not so well ,” says Jenkinson .
“ In discussing digital , I can get a bit cynical sometimes because I think people can get confused when defining digital procurement .
I think people get too lost in AI , RPA , NLP and the future of digitisation without sometimes understanding the drivers within their own organisation and the problems they are trying to solve – I am not a big fan of technology for the sake of technology . Some people are still at the level where they need to get the technology foundation , but whichever way you look at it , we all use technology every day and it has greatly changed our approach .
66 July 2022