Procurement Magazine June 2023 | Page 35


“ When it comes to our foundational core values for innovation within the procurement team , we ’ re developing real solutions for challenges and solving problems ”

“ When we engage with suppliers , we are solving a need . Our suppliers and all those we have relationships with understand our challenges . They know there ' s a bottom-line impact – and they want to make us better . When we combine our knowledge with our suppliers to create a truly successful relationship , both parties win .”
Asked about overarching goals , Siegert says : “ Our goal always is impact .” She points out that for SailPoint procurement , success
is based on measurable results , and this takes the form of KPIs , in-depth due diligence and clear standards for excellence and engagement .”
“ We value individuals and both the work they do and the roles they serve . We treat people with integrity and deliver on the commitments that we make - and we expect others to deliver on the commitments that they themselves make .”
“ We base our relationships on trust and offer honest solutions . We want our suppliers to do the same for us . If there are issues that need to be resolved , we do it with transparency . Achieving and maintaining strong , healthy relationships is foundational .”
Transparent supplier engagements Siegert says that SailPoint procurement approaches its supplier engagements
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