Procurement Magazine June 2024 | Page 104

How are these challenges impacting sustainability ? Sreedhar Patnala , Vice President of Digital Products at Systech , says : “ Measuring the true environmental impact of a product requires tracing the precise journey of how that product was made , including the suppliers and materials involved . This data from multiple sources must then be consolidated to derive actionable insights .
“ Without full supply chain visibility , organisations cannot make informed decisions regarding the products and suppliers they work with and how environmentally friendly they are . This hugely impacts their sustainability performance as a whole .
“ Traceability , however , is one piece of the puzzle . Coupling it with data to monitor , report and mitigate through insights is vital to significantly impacting sustainability performance .”
“ Real-time data access is crucial for a smooth supply chain ,” adds Jon White , the UK Managing Director at InXpress .
“ Inefficient logistics and transportation processes are often the result of poor collaboration between all parties , missed optimisation opportunities , and unnecessary trips . These inefficiencies can increase fuel consumption and emissions , making it essential to prioritise the optimisation of supply chain processes .”
How can procurement professionals and suppliers work together to improve visibility ? Michael says : “ Procurement professionals can enhance visibility by fostering close

“Clear guidelines for information sharing and leveraging technology for real-time data transmission are critical steps ”

collaboration with suppliers . Such partnerships facilitate reduced inventory levels and improved service levels , benefiting all involved parties .
“ Clear and open communication is paramount . By establishing shared goals and maintaining alignment on expectations , collaboration becomes more fruitful and sustainable .
“ Procurement professionals can mitigate this risk by clearly defining roles , responsibilities , and objectives , ensuring both parties are on the same page from the outset .”
104 June 2024