Procurement Magazine June 2024 | Page 105

Adam adds : “ Promoting collaboration and data exchange with suppliers . Clear guidelines for information sharing and leveraging technology for real-time data transmission are critical steps . It is also important to align on shared sustainability goals to ensure concerted efforts towards monitoring and communicating performance .”
How can an organisation effectively review and look for improvements in their supply chain visibility ? Andy Coussins , EVP and Head of International , Epicor , says : “ Enhancing
IT integration and collaboration across the supply chain tackles the problem of data silos and instead encourages seamless data flow , boosting overall supply chain visibility .
“ Implementing a cognitive ERP system that can enhance engagement between ERP systems and essential workers through natural language prompts and user-friendly interfaces can be key to improving supply chain visibility .
“ Using these systems to digitalise and automate data entry and inventory management will also be key to
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